zaterdag 7 september 2013

Forbidden Closet Designs - 2 New releases

Hello dears,

In this post i will show you 2 new releases from Frobidden Closet Designs.

Forbidden Closet is a shop you really need to see!
Lots of cute, sexy and just awesome outfits!
And... Some will includes shoes aswell!


Designer: Forbidden Closet Designs
Name product: Blueberry Yum Yum
**Includes: Top in 5 sizes + Alpha - Capri pants in 5 sizes + Alpha - Sneakers /w shoebase & Alpha**
***Availible in more colors!: Blue (picture), Pink, Yellow and Green!***
L$: 150

Designer: Forbidden Closet Designs
Name product: Giggle Box
**Includes: Belt (not in pic), Colar in 5 sizes - Heels /w shoebase + alpha & skin hud - Pants in 5 sizes - Top + Lolas Tango & Lush appliers**
***Availible in more colors!: Pink (pic), Blue and Green**
L$: 150


♥ Have fun shopping ladies!♥

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